Tithes and offering that support our weekly programs

All we have is from God

We give because all that we have is from God alone.

There are times in our life when we feel like we have barely enough, just enough, and sometimes far more than we deserve. And God doesn't want us to trust Him just when we have 'enough.' He wants us to trust Him each day in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in. And God loves a cheerful giver! He examines our hearts, He knows our motivations, our worries and concerns, and He prompts us to test Him and see how his riches can meet all of our needs, according to His unlimited supply.

We don't give to get. We give to grow. And when we give a portion of our income each month back to God, we're living in obedience to His calling and purpose, and He will be faithful to meet our needs and knows exactly what they are before we even ask.

So take some time to talk with God today and ask: 'Lord...what would you have me give on a regular basis to support your work and your ministry?' God will prompt you and make it clear, and He will use what you give to further his Kingdom here on earth and grow you into the person and mature believer that He has called you to be!

Ways To Give

When you give to God's work, and He multiplies it to meet the needs of many! There are many ways to support our Campus Church General Fund: