Campus Missions

Our Mission's fundraiser is happening now!


Missions Sunday is coming on April 6, 2025. We invite you to partner with us in prayer and financial support for our local and global missionaries. Twice a year we raise funds for our missionaries and missions organizations we support and the entirety of the offering will go into the Missions fund. However, you don't need to wait till Missions Sunday, the fundraiser is already live and we have a big goal of $55,000 for this Missions Sunday. But it's not a big goal for our God, so help us fill up the giving goal progress bar to overflowing!

Please prayerfully consider His prompting to give a special financial gift to the Missions fund to support all our missionaries, as they continue to share the gospel with even more people in our community and around the world. 

If you want to learn more about the missionaries and missions organizations we support, keep scrolling below.

If you would like to give to Missions now you can click the button above or check the other ways you can give to Missions below.

Ways to Give:

When you give to Missions, you give to God's work, and He multiplies it to meet the needs of many! There are many ways to support our missionaries:


Youth Unlimited (The Bridge Youth Centre)

YWAM (Youth With A Mission)

ABWE Canada

Youth Unlimited

Our very own Mel Kollar and Alison Chuck from The Campus Church work directly with Youth Unlimited. Please pray often for Mel and Alison and support them financially using the info on their bio page at Youth Unlimited.

Click each button below to learn more about Mel and Alison's roles, working with Youth in York Region.

Teen Challenge

Click the button below to learn more about how you can pray for and financial support the amazing ways that God is using Teen Challenge to help youth overcome addictions and discover a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Larry & Marbi Janzen - Avant Ministries

Larry and Marbi have served faithfully (28+ years!) to connect with people who have never heard the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please email Larry directly at to receive Larry's email newsletter updates.

Click the button below to learn more about their work with Avant Ministries, and support them financially and with your constant prayers.

Hannah & Jonah Hudson - Teach Beyond

Hannah & Jonah Hudson are serving as missionary teachers at the Christian International School of Prague, in Prague, Czech Republic.

You can email directly at: and

Click the button below to learn more about Teach Beyond and to support the Hudson's financially and with your prayers.


Rebecca is teaching children English in Thailand. She gets to share the love of Jesus with those around her, while answering God's call on her life.

Pray for Rebecca and connect with our Missions Team or Church Office to find out how you can send her a note of encouragement/letter/care package!

Global Disciples Canada

Andre Lesur is the Executive Director of Global Disciples Canada, a brilliant ministry that trains leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples of Jesus Christ and Share his good news.

To learn more about the great work that Global Disciples Canada is doing, visit:

To give to Global Disciples Canada, visit:

Operation Mobilization

Operation Mobilization (OM) partners with people to serve globally around the world, and we have partnered with Anesta and Evert van Beusekom, and Peter Musentekwa to support their efforts to share the Gospel where they live, work and play!

To learn more about Operation Mobilization, visit:

Overseas Missionary Fellowship Canada

OMF is a global fellowship of Christians with a heart for East Asia. We share the good news of Jesus Christ in all its fullness with East Asia's peoples to the glory of God.

Eng joined OMF in 1999 serving in the Philippines doing community work with the urban poor, as a finance manager in Thailand and now serves in finance & administration at the Canadian National office.

To learn more about OMF Canada, visit:

SIM Canada

John directs the Lifeworthy project, providing supportive community and spiritual care for young women exiting human trafficking, and their family members. Lifeworthy is based in the GTA and its parent's ministry is Canada-wide. 

For more information about Lifeworthy, visit:

To financially Support John, visit:

To Sign up for Lifeworthy Prayer updates and/or Newsletter, email: